Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oracle workshop for weblogic 10g3 missing JPA

It seems that Oracle in it's wisdom deliberately removed JPA tools from Oracle Workshop for Weblogic 10g3.

The simple solution? Copy the feature from an existing Europa 3.3.2 WTP install.
For some reason, you can't use the eclipse update manager (Webtools update site) to download it - Oracle zapped the file I think? They only seem to offer the later Dali version, which of course doesn't work on the current europa based Workshop 10g3

The files to copy are:
  • features/org.eclipse.jpt.feature_1.0.2.v200802140100-77-7_CYQCD2CaLYCHCD
  • plugins/
    • org.eclipse.jpt.core_1.0.2.v200802140100.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui_1.0.0.v200705300001.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.db_1.0.2.v200802140100.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.doc.user_1.0.1.v200709120000.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.gen_1.0.2.v200802140100.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.ui_1.0.2.v200802140100.jar
    • org.eclipse.jpt.utility_1.0.2.v200802140100.jar

I actually made an eclipse extension directory for this, but really, this should be dumped into the bea/tools/eclipse_pkgs/2.0/eclipse_3.3.2/eclipse directory since this is really really the original eclipse europa. SILLY BEA/ORACLE!!!

You also need the Data Tools Project, get as a minimum 1.5.2 version: ie:

Update manager: Europa Discovery Site -> Database Development & -> Enabling Features -> Data Tools Platform JDT enablement

This downloads:

  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.sqldevtools.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.feature
  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.generic.ui
  • org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.generic
  • org.eclipse.datatools.doc.user

Then you can do New -> Project -> JPA project as usual.

See the tutorial at
IMPORTANT NOTE: this is only Dali 1.0, so use the 1.0 tutorial at as an example tutorial

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Eclipse ganymede with Hibernate

Here is the KLUDGE way of doing hibernate with ganymede.

In the past (actually very near past), you simply had a hibernate facet against your dynamic web project. You then loaded the libraries as needed.
Now you do stupid stuff like the old days, add stuff by hand.... this defeats the purpose of an IDE!!
I D I O T S.

Eclipse ganymede - more rants

Well it seems eclipse Ganymede Java EE version now discards many useful tools from Europa.
for example, you no longer have struts or hibernate facets in dynamic web projects.
This stupid decision is one for the dogs.
I also noticed that the default JPA providers are Eclipselink and Oracle (Bea) Kodo. Odd that both oracle projects got on the list but the #1 popular provider (Hibernate) didn't make it.

This is an example of political decisions at Eclipse making the product worse , not better, and more exclusive, not inclusive.

Here's another one - the default web service code is all based on Apache Axis. Now don't get me wrong, Axis is ok, but Axis2 is bloatware. So where is the Metro toolkit here? Ahah, nope, Apache (Sanjeva/Dave) koolaid at work here ("let's make axis more popular by excluding the web services stack used by glassfish, weblogic etc").

Oh, you mean IBM is part of the eclipse council? mmmm, no co-incidence that Axis is part of the IBM stacks now ... ??

Eclipse Ganymede update sux

It turns out that Eclipse 3.4 ganymede turns of the "classic" update by default in anything except bare bones Eclipse.
You don't even have the GUI option of turning it off.

Well this web site ( ) shows you how to turn it back on!!

YAY!. P2 Sux.