Friday, October 23, 2009

weblogic weirdness with @webservice @stateless beans

Weblogic 10.3 has a weird bug.
If you annotate a Stateless session bean, then add @WebService to it, it won't deploy and will give a strange message about xxxbean_xxx_WSOImpl.class not found.

Turns out that there is an SERVER side cache in your domain directory which confuses the EJB compiler and deploy tool
Remove the entire contents of $DOMAIN/servers/AdminServer/cache/EJBCompilerCache/*
(where $DOMAIN is your weblogic domain directory)

Oh, you also need to give your stateless bean a mappedName eg:
@Stateless(name="crapBean", mappedName="ejb/crapBean")

Friday, October 16, 2009

AMIS Technology blog � Blog Archive � EJB Dependency Injection of Session Bean Facade in JSF 1.2 on WebLogic 10.3 (JSF with JPA)

AMIS Technology blog � Blog Archive � EJB Dependency Injection of Session Bean Facade in JSF 1.2 on WebLogic 10.3 (JSF with JPA)

Also ork around for the issue of not being able to dependency inject Session Bean directly into JSF Managed Beans