Thursday, April 05, 2007

Research points the finger at powerpoint

Food for thought: Are lectures too boring because of powerpoint?
(SMH article)


It is more difficult to process information if it is coming at you in the written and spoken form at the same time.
The Australian researchers who made the findings may have pronounced the death of the PowerPoint presentation.
They have also challenged popular teaching methods, suggesting that teachers should focus more on giving students the answers, instead of asking them to solve problems on their own.

A lot different from what I've been taught about lecturing!!

A new baby

As of 00:05 wed 4th April 2007, I have a new daughter. She is a healthy 3.22kg, 48cm long child with lovely black hair (more than my first daughter Abigail had :-)

Mum, Dad and baby are fine (so far).